Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sipalay ...Again and Again...and Forever!
It may sound like an exaggeration, but I really do love Sipalay forever and ever, again and again...for its one particular strip of lovely ...
Friday, September 12, 2014
My Dreams Fulfilled
Today, as I sit and lazily look upon my quiet life, I am surprised at how many of my dreams have been realized. I have not been consc...
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
It's My Birthday Again!
What better time to re-start my blog than on my birthday??? Hello, again :) I have always loved celebrating my birthdays. When we wer...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
DIY: To-Do List Memo Pad
Another DIY, whew! my creative juices are just flowing since last week! so, no further ado.... I gathered some old raffle tickets I had (I...
(Almost) Instant Sandwiches
Here're two things about me: I'm impatient and I love sweets :) No connection, right? Check out my own sandwich inventions, and you...
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Part II: DIY: Dress, Skirt, Scarf, and Poncho from a Maxi Dress
TO MAKE THE INFINITY SCARF/PONCHO/MINI SKIRT To make the scarf/skirt/poncho, you will only need an elastic and a safety pin ...
Part I: DIY: Dress, Skirt, Scarf, and Poncho from a Maxi Dress
I got a Christmas present last year from a cousin: a maxi dress. I loved the print but couldn't wear it because it was too long. I coul...
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