Saturday, January 7, 2012

Welcoming 2012

What's in store for me in 2012? Well, I promised myself that I would:

1. Stay Put. 
In the past year, I have been unusually...restless.  And so, I have been constantly flying here and there, anywhere in the name of discovering, exploring, and experiencing a different culture and way of life. This year, I will try to stay in one place, and be content in that.

2. Focus More.
I have been too distracted in the past years. Haven't really committed to anything so that I can go off and away at the drop of a hat. I am thankful that I was able to last more than a year in our church group. I didn't think I would stay in it, but surprisingly, I have. I'm on my second year in it now. I guess this is the only thing I am committed to, for now. Time to add some more commitments to my life.

3. Dance Everyday.
This sounds so carefree, so fun. But when I wrote this down, I had an ulterior motive: to lose the excess weight and bulges :) I'm not much of a dancer, but I can jump around and head bang to some 80's music, so we'll see how this will pan out. 

4. Don't Obsess.
It surprised me a bit when a friend commented laughingly how OC (obsessive-compulsive) I was. And another was impressed with the detailed notes I made daily to myself. What they don't know is that I am blessed with a very dull memory, and this is how I try to REMEMBER stuff. Whether or not they're right, this year I will be more spontaneous and just let things happen without getting upset when things don't go my way or don't go exactly as I planned.

5. Fall in Love.
This elicited instant reactions, as to be expected. I let my friends think I've never fallen in love before. (They're not with me 24/7 so they know nothing! My family, either...HAHA) All I can say is, love has always made me a wreck. So I always stop, to keep my sanity. They say love makes you do a lot of stupid things; I say people in love just have a lot of faith, and thus more hope. I think it's time to believe once again.

Didn't you notice I just failed No.4 by PLANNING on No.5?    ...LOL! :)

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